Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Study Tour on “Ease of Doing Business”

1 – Introduction
The Regional Multidisciplinary Centre of Excellence (RMCE), in collaboration with the Government of Mauritius, had been solicited by the World Bank to organise a study tour for a delegation from the Democratic Republic of Congo from 20th – 27th October 2013, on the theme of ‘Ease of Doing Business’ and its reforms in Mauritius across the following four indicators:
1. Business Creation
2. Transfer of property
3. Payment of taxes
4. Cross Border Trade

2 – Structure of course
Information/training/study sessions were organized at Le Labourdonnais Hotel in Port Louis, Mauritius and focused on the indicators above and the structuring of the public-private sector dialogue. Each module gave an overview of the system for each indicator and the genesis of carried out reforms, the organizational framework, procedures, deadlines and costs as well as the source of funding (treasure or stand-alone).

3 – Site Visit
Participants also undertook site visits to different authorities in Mauritius which are acting as facilitators for ‘Doing Business’. The site visits enhanced the ability of member country officials and officials at the regional and provincial level of DRC, to implement the main policies related to Payment of Taxes, Trade Across Borders, Transfer of Property and Business Creation.


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